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Social Entrepreneurship and Economic Empowerment

This IVLP project will examine the rise of social entrepreneurship in the United States and how innovation in this sphere can drive social and economic change. Social entrepreneurs identify social challenges and apply market-based solutions to organize, create, and manage ventures that engage the community to improve economic conditions. This project will examine the concept of social entrepreneurship, the emerging academic study of social entrepreneurship, and government initiatives that support civic engagement and innovation. Through examination of successful models of social entrepreneurship, the participants will explore the impact of new and social media on traditional methods of fundraising, grassroots mobilization, and strategic collaboration.  This project will also expose social entrepreneurs in Saudi Arabia to the best practices for creating “hubs” that incubate and help scale-up new businesses.

IVLP Project for Saudi Arabia (11) with CRDF Global. Meeting Black Wall Street Kalamazoo and Layla’s Cool Pops, December 7.

December 6

Sustainable Housing and Smart Cities

December 11

Water Resources Management