IVLP Multi-Region Project (Cameroon, Ethiopia, Mexico (2), Morocco, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia and Sri Lanka) with Cultural Vistas. Citizen Exchange Circle with Family Health Center and Community AIDS Resource and Education Services (CARES) June 17.
In support of the U.S. government's strategic goal of protecting the homeland and global populations from bio-threats and pandemics, this virtual project will bring together public health specialists to examine and strengthen their networks and build capacity in early-warning systems. The project will support the Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA), which aims to minimize the emergence and spread of infectious diseases. A key practice for combating infectious diseases--whether water related, vector borne, or spread from animals--is to develop an integrated information system (IIS) to predict outbreaks of greatest public health concern and strengthen human, animal, and environmental surveillance. Participants will observe how One Health--a collaborative, multi-sectoral and trans-disciplinary approach aimed at achieving optimal health outcomes by recognizing the interconnection between people, animals, plants, and their shared environment--is being implemented in the United States. Participants will explore how IIS can be used to collect, combine, and disseminate data from earth observation, local environmental sensing, public health, and social science sources.