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Virtual IVLP:Volunteerism and Civic Action

IVLP Multi-Region Project (Algeria, Armenia, Cote d’Ivoire, Egypt, Fiji, Germany, Israel, Jamaica, Kenya, Lebanon, Libya, Malaysia, Nepal, Nigeria (2), North Macedonia, Palestinian Territories, Panama, Taiwan, Turkey and Zimbabwe (2)) with Meridian International Center and CBMs World Kentucky, Global Ties Miami, and Utah Council for Citizen Diplomacy. Panel with City of Kalamazoo Mayor David Anderson and Louisville, KY Mayor’s Office May 13, Panel with Kalamazoo Youth Development Network, Breakthrough Miami, and YouthWorks Salt Lake City May 14.

This virtual project will explore the American tradition of volunteering, whether to alleviate hunger, promote environmental causes, offer job training and mentorship, or support at-risk populations such as children, new immigrants, people with disabilities, and the elderly.  This project supports the Department’s strategic goal of improving democratic traditions by highlighting civic activity through volunteerism.  It will provide a hands-on examination of the impact of volunteerism both on volunteers and the communities they serve.  Through visits to a range of non-profit organizations, foundations, faith-based organizations, community groups, and corporations, participants will discuss best practices for volunteer recruitment, retention, and management.  They will examine how volunteers of all backgrounds and ages, especially young people, are inspired to help foster a culture of service and civic responsibility.  The project will also address the growth of social entrepreneurship in the U.S. and the impact of technology - particularly social networking - in developing new avenues for civic engagement and participation.  Each participant will have the opportunity to take part in a hands-on service activity during the project.

May 4

Higher Education Cooperation

June 10

Promoting Transparent and Ethical Intercountry Adoptions