A Summer to Fall Update
As we say hello to Fall, it’s a great time to reflect on the #YouthEmpowerment of IYLEP, which we hosted virtually this summer for Arabic speaking high school students, with partners World Learning and funded through the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad. The program focused on leadership development and identity building. It was such a privilege to witness the growth of our Iraqi visitors over their time with us in Kalamazoo. From orientation to KYDnet’s summer learning celebration, and everything in between, these youth showed their commitment to making their communities better, and expanded their passion, vision and capacity for creating change.
Thank you so much to KYDnet for their session on Dialectical Behavior Therapy, a self-reflection tool that had them think about their thoughts and motivations in a new way. Thank you to Orchestra Rouh for connecting their aspiring musicians with the young Iraqis, and for playing beautiful music! Thank you to the Kalamazoo Valley Museum for an amazing museum tour, and for sharing Kalamazoo’s rich history and struggles. Thank you to Read and Write Kalamazoo (RAWK) for taking the youth on a deep identity exploration while also delving into what mutual aid initiatives they could spearhead at home. And a big thanks too to Destiné Price for getting into ‘advocacy building narratives, turning narratives and truths into tangible actions'. It takes a global village here in Kalamazoo to connect and grow our networks for change. Thank you also to everyone at World Learning who made this inspiring project happen!
Connecting Kalamazoo
Speaking of Kalamazoo experiences, we were thrilled to see the U.S. Department of State celebrating the story of IVLP alumna, Tanzanian development leader and civil society activist Angela Benedicto and her connection with Global Ties Kalamazoo. She first came to Kalamazoo as an IVLP visitor in 2013.
Check that story out here. You can also revisit our coverage of her visits on one of our Spring blog posts. It was so special having Angela here in Kalamazoo twice and we’re incredibly grateful for the lifelong bonds that can develop through exchange!
The partnership between Kalamazoo and Tanzania continues to be impactful through the collaboration between Merze Tate Explorers and Wotesawa Domestic Workers (Angela Benedicto’s organization). The Explorers -- a Kalamazoo-based program that offers young women the opportunity to learn about the world through college and career exploration, study abroad, visits to Fortune 500 corporations where they meet women leaders, and impactful outreach programs like this collaborative fundraising effort with Tanzanian young women -- recently premiered a video showcasing WoteSawa and their joint project.
We make connections between Kalamazoo and the world so that amazing things like the collaboration between Wotesawa in Tanzania and the Merze Tate Explorers in Kalamazoo can happen.
From Summer to Fall 2021 - Lots of virtual engagement
We have been keeping busy in the virtual realm, with visitors from 31 countries just in the past month. Lots of upcoming opportunities to engage as well. Check out our new 'current programs' page for a brief glimpse of our summer past, and programs to come.
Be sure to let us know if you’d like to serve as a virtual host for international visitors this Fall!