Q&A on hosting with Judy and Ed Huth
Ed and Judy Huth
Q: How long have you been home hosting with Colleagues International?
A: Since 2007
Q: What first got you interested in hosting for CI?
A: Judy had met with several participant groups while working for Volunteer Kalamazoo and thought it would be interesting to host. We had also hosted three high school exchange students when our sons were in high school.
Q: What is one of your favorite places to take visitors and why?
A: South Haven – they are always surprised that it looks like an ocean and that it isn’t salt water.
Q: What has been one of the biggest culture shocks you, or your guests, have experienced? A: Several guests have commented on how big everything is here – big cars, big houses, big roads, big yards (and big people!)
Q: What has been one of the most memorable mishaps?
A: One of our guests vacationed in NYC prior to coming to Kalamazoo and decided to travel here by Greyhound bus – who lost all of her luggage. Much shopping ensued to replace her entire wardrobe!
Q: What is one of the most unique or interesting gifts you have received?
A: Lots of vodka from a variety of Russian and Eastern European visitors. (Quite a change from hosting high school students...)
Q: What has been one of the funniest guest memories?
A: Baking brownies with 2 young Japanese women (who had never used an oven and thought maybe it was used for storage.)
Interested in home hosting? Want to share a meal with a guest at a hospitality event? Or would you just like to learn more? Check out our upcoming visitors and ways to get involved!