#GivingTuesday 2024

Our world is a beautiful, maddening place. Enriching local community with global diversity, one relationship at a time, is not easy but it is what we do at Global Ties Kalamazoo, every day, and it can be so very rewarding for all involved. 

We strongly believe that exchange is for everybody and we organize our programs and projects with this principle in mind. 

In 2024, more than 600 locals engaged with 366 visitors from 87 countries in 34 distinct programs. That is a mouthful of numbers that doesn’t even begin to convey the relationships built, the moments shared, and the intermingling of cultures and ideas that transpired. Our work helps make the world bigger and smaller, and opens up exchange to more and more people in Kalamazoo to learn and grow.

Today is Giving Tuesday. We would love to count on your support - this is a financial ask - but more than anything, we would love for you to get involved! 

We invite you to support our mission and find your place in our work. 

You can find us on all platforms at @globaltieskzoo or by clicking the social links at the bottom of this email.  You can even launch a fundraiser of your own. 

Please consider donating at this link.

Thank you for all you do to make the world a better place. 


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